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If you really want to have a slim body, then the nutritional menu is the decisive factor to 70% of the results of the weight loss process. So what to eat to lose weight fast? How effective is the weight loss diet? Don't miss the following important information.
Handbook effective diet science in 7 days
I. Weight loss should and should not eat?
1. Effective weight loss foods
You should add the following types of weight loss foods, foods to the fast weight loss diet to achieve the best fat loss effect:
- Legumes group: You can choose nuts like green beans, soybeans or foods like tofu, macca nuts ...
- The group of fresh fruits: For the group of fresh fruits, you should choose weight loss foods like bananas, apples, oranges.
- Group of green fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins: You can use vegetables such as broccoli, celery, lettuce, ... for daily use to help reduce fat effectively.
- Protein-rich weight loss foods for weight loss: You can use some protein-rich foods that are not fat-free like salmon, tuna, ... foods containing macca seeds, tofu, green beans, soybeans, nuts thing ... also extremely effective in supporting weight loss
- Non-fat starches: Non-fat starches can be mentioned as black bread, barley, brown rice, ...
Protein-rich foods
2. Food groups should not be used when losing weight
- dried fruits
- Fruits rich in sugar: grapes, rambutan, ..
- Foods with too much starch: Potatoes, glutinous rice
- Fatty foods such as fatty meats, ham ...
- Sweet foods like molasses, jams, candies, chocolate, soft drinks
Food restrictions during weight loss
II. Popular weight loss diets
During weight loss. Depending on the purpose and status of each person's weight, there will be individual options. Here are the reasonable weight loss diets that experts appreciate today.
1. Low Carbohydrate mode - Lose weight 2kg in 1 week
Low-carb diets are often used with the main purpose of losing weight. Certain low-carb diets may offer certain health benefits from weight loss, such as a reduced risk factor for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
The low-carb diet is a group of foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars in the diet. The foods that should be included in the Low Carb menu include:
- Nuts: Macca, tofu, cashew ...
- Lean meats
- Seafood: Squid, fish, shrimp, ...
- Types of teas: green tea, herbal tea, black coffee, ..
- Seasoning vegetables: cumin, ginger, turmeric
- Eggs, olive oil
- Green vegetables: kohlrabi, chayote, cucumber, cheeks
- Mushrooms, ...
Low-carb diet and carbohydrate intake
2. Lose weight in 7 days with the Eat Clean diet
Eat Clean is a "clean eating" method, this method does not seek to completely remove sugars, starches, fats ... the substances that cause obesity, fat accumulation from the diet, but instead, we look for An alternative form or use the simplest recipe to retain nutritional value without harming the body.
- Day 1: Birth of bananas for breakfast, salad and tofu for lunch, noodles with chicken for dinner
- Day 2: Yogurt for breakfast, veggie salad and boiled eggs for lunch and steak with boiled vegetables for dinner
- Day 3: Breakfast with oatmeal, lunch with bean salad, dinner with tomato mixed vegetables
- Day 4: Cheese fried eggs in the morning, green bean salad for lunch and grilled chicken with vegetables for dinner
- Day 5: Fried chicken eggs - morning, boiled chicken - lunch, steamed salmon - dinner
- Day 6: Strawberry smoothie - breakfast, salmon salad - lunch, cucumber rolls - dinner
- Day 7: Eggs with asparagus - breakfast, cauliflower with beef - lunch, meatballs and boiled vegetables - dinner.
- With this diet, experts assess can lose 3kg of weight in 1 week.
Eat clean mode helps you to eat more green vegetables and fruits
3. General motor Diet for 7 days
The GM Diet (General Motor Diet) focuses on ensuring the consumption of complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain bread, legumes, nuts (macca nuts, peas). , cashew nuts ...) whole oats, pumpkins ... plus low calorie foods. Combined with increased water intake can lead to significant weight loss over a one-week period.
1200kcal weight loss menu with General motor diet
- Day 1: Start the diet with fruit, minus bananas
- Day 2: Use steamed and boiled fresh vegetables
- Day 3: Combine both fruits and vegetables
- Day 4: Eat only bananas, fresh milk
- Day 5: Thi lean, chicken, fish and drink 2 liters of water
- Day 6: 200g chicken, fish, drink 2 liters of water
- Day 7: The day of rice, vegetables and juices
Weight loss method GM Diet
4. The Daily Keto Diet
Ketogenic Diet - Weight loss regime with 3 main elements, including: Protein, protein, fat. These 3 elements are divided in the right ratio, helping the excess body fat to be effectively eliminated.
- Protein foods: Eggs, bacon, salmon, shrimp, squid
- Fatty foods: Butter, almonds, olive oil, yogurt
- Protein foods: Asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber
- Just combine these food groups in the ratio of 30:60:10 with protein, fat protein, you will have a very effective daily weight loss menu.
Chế độ giảm cân Keto Diet
5. Lose weight without going hungry with the DASH Diet
DAS Diet (Doctor Anh's Secret Diet) is a diet based on the principles of the Low Carb Diet, a diet that helps limit hypertension, and controls the standard weight. Doctor Nguyen Hoang Anh developed and popularized in our country. So many people call this weight loss method Low Carb Vietnam version.
Weight loss diet for people with high blood pressure
- Whole grains: 4-6 servings / day
- Green vegetables: 3 - 4 servings / day
- Fresh fruit: 3 - 4 servings / day
- Fresh milk and yogurt: 2-3 servings / day
- Lean meat, fish, poultry: 200g / day
- Legumes: 2 - 4 servings / day
- Healthy fats (butter, olive oil): 2-3 servings / day.
Phương pháp giảm cân Das với thực đơn các loại đậu và ngũ cốc
6. IF type belly fat loss diet
This is considered an intermittent fasting regime, helping to reduce belly fat, keeping optimal shape. According to this method, you will fast continuously for 16 hours - 24 hours and only do it twice a week.
Nhịn ăn gián đoan IF
In addition to the above diets, you can refer to other diets such as: idol weight loss menu of Korean stars, detox diet, cambridge diet, low carb high fat, healthy, atkins , ...
III. Some foods lose belly fat super fast
1. Lose weight with oats
Here are some ways to eat oatmeal to lose weight women can refer:
- Cook oatmeal porridge with boiled eggs
You can boil 2 tablespoons of oats in 350 ml of water for 10 minutes. Then combine to eat with boiled eggs at breakfast and lunch or dinner.
- Cook weight loss oatmeal with minced meat
Combining oats with minced meat is also a great way to lose weight. Women just need to let the oatmeal soak in water for 10 minutes and then let the minced meat in the pot cook for 20 minutes. Then add a little seasoning to taste
- Banana oat cake
How to make diet oats and bananas
- Step 1: Prepare 2 ripe bananas, 200 grams of oatmeal, butter, 1 little baking powder
- Step 2: Beat oats, butter, baking powder with water to create a thick mixture
- Step 3: Cut the banana into thin pieces and mix with the cake flour
- Step 4: Microwave the water for 5 minutes
- Step 5: Eat cakes in the morning and snacks.
2. How to eat brown rice effectively lose weight
The ingredient that is rich in fiber is the first reason to help eat brown rice effectively lose weight. Compared to non-glutinous rice, brown rice has twice the fiber content, so eating brown rice will feel fuller longer than normal rice, even with less food. Thanks to that, it significantly reduces the appetite as well as the amount of food loaded into the body each meal.
Women can apply the diet with brown rice for at least 7 days to get the best results.
- Breakfast: 1 cup of tea, 1 bowl of brown rice, sesame salt and boiled vegetables
- Lunch: 1 bowl of brown rice, 1 small slice of fish, steamed shrimp, vegetables
- Dinner: 1 bowl of brown rice, 1 plate of boiled vegetables, 1 apple.
Thực đơn giảm béo với gạo lứt lấy lại vóc dáng hiệu quả cho các chị em
3. Weight loss menu with eggs and bananas
According to nutrition experts, bananas are fruits that possess many good nutrients for the body such as: Vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, ... In particular, the fiber content in bananas is extremely abundant. Eggs contain a lot of protein to increase satiety for a long time, helping to prevent cravings… this is the main cause of rapid fat loss.
lose weight with eggs and bananas
4. Sweet potato weight loss menu
Sweet potatoes contain many valuable and rare nutrients such as antioxidant, large amounts of starch, vitamins, and fiber.
Because of the significant amount of starch, many people still wonder if eating sweet potato, lose weight or gain weight?
In fact, the starch content available in each potato only works to provide the necessary energy for the body, so it does not cause weight gain as people worry.
In contrast, lipids, antioxidant, ... to fiber from sweet potatoes have effective weight loss effects thanks to the ability to stimulate the metabolism of fat-accumulating calories, repel free radicals, firm muscles and especially prevent cancer. .
Nutritional ingredients in sweet potatoes
5. How to plan a diet to lose weight with vegetables
Weight loss with vegetables will help you control the rate of calories you eat, along with increasing the nitrite content to help convert white fat burned faster during exercise.
Vegetables and fruits are considered the optimal weight loss, health improvement foods recommended by experts. In particular, the content of vitamins A, C, B, and amino acids in fruits and vegetables is very much. Meanwhile, the calories are low, helping the body not accumulate excess fat.
Vegetables for weight loss
Women can process vegetables and fruits into salads to eat in meals or combine with strong oats that bring miraculous effects. Here is how to cook weight loss porridge with vegetables
IV. Revealing short and long-term weight loss menus for men and women
Diet and want to lose weight of yourself, you can refer to and create for yourself the most appropriate diet. Here are quick leg-loss diet menus that many people use.
1. Delicious, scientific weight loss menu - 2kg loss 7 days
Losing weight in 2-3 days requires building a fast and safe menu. You will reduce the amount of calories every day but have enough nutrients to not get tired.
Diet 1 weight loss food
- Breakfast: As soon as you wake up, you drink 1 cup of water, then use a vegetable salad
- Lunch: About 20 minutes before the meal, you eat 1 bowl of squash soup, during the meal you have 1 bowl of brown rice and dessert with 3 grapefruit packs.
- Dinner: 1 bowl of brown rice, 1 box of yogurt.
- Menu for weight loss day 2
- Breakfast: Use a mixture of grains like black beans, green beans, soybeans and mix with hot water and drink
- Lunch: Eat a bowl of black bean porridge and dessert with a cup of yogurt
- Dinner: Celery salad, 1 apple.
Fast and safe menu construction
2. Lose belly fat in 2 weeks with Military Diet
This is one of the few diets that helps you eat less while still providing enough energy and can lose up to 10kg in 2 weeks. However, depending on the purpose of weight loss that you can maintain this regime for about 1-2 times / month.
It should be strictly followed by 3 days of diet including:
Breakfast on the fast weight loss menu
- 1 cup of black coffee or unsweetened green tea
- 1 piece of peanut butter bread, preferably black bread or low-sugar peanut butter
- 1 orange or 3 to 4 sessions
Lunch on the belly fat reduction diet
- 1 cup of black coffee without sugar
- Bread - 1 piece
- Tuna - 1 box
Dinner in a reasonable weight loss diet
- 100 grams of white meat, 100 grams of green beans
- 1 banana, 1 apple
Military Diet - belly fat loss diet
3. Revealing the menu of rapid weight loss in 1 month
Develop an accelerated diet for 1 month
Want to lose weight fast, women need to build a menu to minimize the cravings of the day. Below is an effective 30-day weight loss menu that you can refer to.
Day 1:
- Morning: 100g steamed chicken breast, 1 plate of green vegetables, 1 egg white
- Lunch: 1 cup of yogurt, 2 bananas, 1 salad
- Afternoon: 100g boiled chicken breast, 1 egg white
- Evening: 1 plate of boiled vegetables
Day 2:
- Morning: Boiled oatmeal or sweet potatoes, 1 cup of fresh milk without sugar
- Lunch: 1 plate of vegetable salad, 1 bowl of brown rice, 100g of beef
- Evening: 1 bowl of brown rice, 1 bowl of minced meat soup with green vegetables
Day 3:
- Morning: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of honey lemonade
- Lunch: 1 banana, 1 small bowl of rice, bitter melon soup stuffed with meat, 1 plate of green vegetables
- Evening: 1 bowl of rice, 1 bowl of soup, 1 salad plate, 1 cup of grapefruit juice.
- Morning: 1 plate of rolls, 1 banana, 1 cup of green tea
- Lunch: 1 bowl of rice, minced meat squash soup, 1 apple
- Evening: 1 bowl of sweet potato soup, 1 plate of steamed shrimp, boiled vegetables, 1 cup of guava juice
Day 5:
- Morning: 1 black bread, 1 bunch of grapes, 1 cup of black coffee
- Lunch: 2 bowls of brown rice porridge, 1 boiled egg, 1 plate of boiled vegetables
- Evening: 1 bowl of brown rice porridge, 1 salad plate, 1 slice of steamed fish.
- Morning: 1 bowl of lotus seed porridge, 1 apple, 100g sautéed beef
- Lunch: 1 bowl of rice, 1 bowl of vegetable soup, 100g steamed chicken breast
- Evening: 1 bowl of vegetable soup, 1 apple.
- Morning: 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice of black bread, 1 cup of lemon juice
- Lunch: 1 bowl of rice, meat cabbage soup, 1 plate of boiled white radish, 1 cup of apple juice
- Evening: 1 bowl of rice noodles, 1 salad plate
4. Weight loss menu from 3 - 6 months without practice
The long-term 5: 2 diet is considered safe and highly effective. Accordingly, you will have 5 days of eating as usual (minimizing calories) and 2 days of dieting.
With this regime, in normal days girls will use about 2000kcal / day, while on diet days it is 500kcal / day. Meanwhile, men, the amount of Kcal will be 2400kcal / week and 600kcal / day, respectively.
Here is a 2-day / week diet that you can refer to when needed:
Week 1:
- Breakfast: 1 cup of unsweetened milk, 1 plate of boiled cauliflower
- 10am snack: 1 bowl of oatmeal
- Lunch: Vegetable salad, steamed chicken breast, 1 cup honey lemonade
- 3pm snack: 1 boiled egg, 1 apple
- Dinner: 1 cup of almond milk (can replace taste with rice milk, oats), 1 plate of fruit salad.
The remaining weeks
- The menu of weeks 2 + 3 +4 can be similar to week 1, but need to add vitamins and minerals to make your body more supple. Along with that, on diet days should increase drinking water, change dishes according to taste, but limit fat, starch. Varied meats such as chicken breast, lean pork, salmon, tuna, and tilapia, ...
- Persistently apply this 5: 2 regime, you can lose 6 - 20kg in 3-6 months.
Quality safe weight loss regime
V. Harmful misunderstandings about weight loss menus
Safe and scientific weight loss menu is the leading factor decisive to bringing about the effect of maintaining an ideal body. In fact, many people mistakenly think about dieting, leading to not getting the desired results. Here are some of the most devastating myths about how to eat and lose weight.
- Diet can lose weight in 1 day
Weight gain does not happen in 1 day, 2 days, it is a cumulative process. Therefore, weight loss cannot happen in just 1 or 2 days.
In fact, the super-fast weight loss diets in 1 day only help to lower total weight due to less food intake, not fat loss.
- Eat well and starve for a long time
It is completely wrong to eat too much in one meal and then not eat at the next. This not only upsets the circadian rhythm, but also overloads the digestive system, causing digestive disorders.
- Eat little but exercise too much
We often think that exercising in the gym, jogging a lot will be able to lose weight. However, too much exercise, causing loss of energy both affects your health and not achieve optimal results.
The best way in this case is to exercise the right way and incorporate the right diet.
- Fasting to lose weight fast
Many women think that in order to be thin, it is necessary to fast, some to skip breakfast, to skip lunch, even to fast all day without eating and drinking only.
However, this is one of the ways to make mistakes, backfire, make the body tired, depressed and ineffective.
- Diet doesn't need practice
Most women think that dieting is not exercise or exercise without dieting. These are all myths that make the results of forever losing weight "unsuccessful". In fact, nutrition and exercise are "a parallel couple". Missing 1 in 2 you will not get the results of fat loss and slim body as expected.
Myths about the menu during weight loss
VI.Note to know when applying weight loss menus
1. Diet has no effect on perennial fatty tissue
The main cause of long-term rigorous diets and exercise still does not result from excessive fat accumulation. At this time, the adipose tissue bonds are very strong and strong, it is difficult to influence them, burn them with only diet.
Along with that, natural weight loss ways only suitable for people with excess weight is not too much. Meanwhile, cases of excess fat only accumulate in regions such as abdomen, thighs, shoulders, armpits, ... it is difficult to lose weight. Whether with exercise or diet, it is only possible to lose body weight, not by partition.
2. Balancing nutritional regimen, incorporating daily exercise
Weight loss occurs when the body burns a lot of energy at work, and when exercising, stored energy including fat, fat or muscle will be used by the body, and this needs to balance the regime. Eat less calories in combination with sports to maintain a lasting effect. This is a safe and healthy way to lose weight, which experts recommend instead of applying a short-term diet.
Use a daily weight loss menu
3. Losing weight with diet requires persistence
In fact, many people who apply weight loss regimes for 1 month, 2 months or even a year still do not have satisfactory results. It may be due to the excess fat, the difficult body to lose weight or the improper diet, the weight loss by natural methods cannot bring results in just 1 day or 2 days. This requires a persistent accumulation process and is based on a lot of factors.
Regardless of the cause, persistence is essential. If you are impatient to have immediate results, the solutions to diet, exercise, ... are not the right choice.